ADL-INNET offers investors the possibility to discover the latest innovative startups in the African digital space.
Attend live pitches, discover the startups clusters, meet the digital champions from Africa and international guest speakers, share views with the greatest financial institutions and incubators of the country and experience both physical and virtual Pitching from individual Startups’ and during competition in the presence of other investors.
ADL-INNET offer investors the possibility to access the largest digital network in Africa, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology from more than 100,000 leading companies, startups and innovators for investments and financing supports.
Access highly-rated conferences and event programmes comprising today and future visionaries to explore the hottest topics influencing the industry.
It fosters new trusted and evidenced based investments, exceptional networking within African digital-space and with global partners, improve financing opportunities, attract more startups and improve investment experience.
Investors also have the possibility to join any of the ADL-iNNET working group forums and tech clusters, attend weekly and monthly outstanding webinarsrepresenting products and services from African digital champions and leading global technology companies, events (both monthly and annual), attend conferences at % discount rate, while checking opportunities during events.
Access latest news on the digital market landscape in Africa and on new government regulations, policies; and connect withkey decision-makers expected to attend workshops, seminar, webinars, summit, and promising conferences to understand favorable investment initiatives in the region.