ADL-INNET offer governments the possibility to access the largest digital network in Africa, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology from more than 100,000 leading companies, startups and innovators.
Gain latest digital knowledge through dozens of conference sessions, webinars, partner programmes, seminars, and other opportunities led by today’s top industry influencers to support your government’s digital transformation objectives.
Meet companies, startups, software outsourcing developers, and innovators in Africa digital-space and beyond, exchange knowledge, collaborate and work on common projects to support governmental initiatives, operations and access valuable information.
Government agencies relevant departments also have the possibility to join any of the ADL-iNNET working group forums and tech clusters, attend weekly and monthly outstanding webinars representing products and services from African digital champions and leading global technology companies, events (both monthly and annual), attend conferences at a % discount, check opportunities to collaborate.
Access latest news on the digital solutions in Africa and attend some of the workshops, seminar, webinars, summit, and promising conferences to improve or optimize government development goals and objectives.
Improved understanding and more efficient use of existing infrastructure and technological resources towards digital transformation.
Access advisory services on regional digital innovation ecosystem development through ADL-iNNET professional services.
The network offers expertise to design and implement new instruments to support regional economic development through collaborations with entrepreneurship ecosystem and innovation hubs in the respective African countries.
Strengthen local digital business support policy with actionsfor funding towards enhancing digital economy initiatives.
Facilitate new regional digital projects in collaboration with the innovation hubs, startup ecosystems and the development labs and as well as the foreign stakeholders.
Advise on organisational development (strategy and management)reflecting dynamics for innovation policy design.
Enhance visibility and find new, interesting collaboration opportunities.